Akathist to St. Seraphim of Vyritsa
St. Seraphim of Vyritsa |
Kontak 1
Venerable father Seraphim, chosen and well-pleasing to Christ, blessed protector and radiant beacon of the Orthodox Faith and the Russian land, the miraculous image of salvation was revealed in thee, for by thy works thou didst strive for the priceless mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven. Unto thine intercessions we run, and a song of praise we bring unto thee, crying out with love:
Rejoice O venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa!
Ikos 1
Possessing angel like beauty in thy soul, O venerable father, thy heart was all aflame for the Lord of Hosts; from thy youth didst thou desire to serve Him alone, revealing true obedience to thy Creator. We, marveling at the providence of God made manifest in thee, cry with faith:
Rejoice, worthy youth of virtuous parents.
Rejoice, thou who from thy youth didst love the Lord with all thy soul.
Rejoice, reverent zealot of the Divine Services.
Rejoice, contemplative beholder of the world of spiritual tenderness.
Rejoice, diligent practitioner of pure prayer with all thy heart.
Rejoice, thou who didst strive with contrition of heart wholly for God.
Rejoice, thou who didst open up thy heart to a schema monk of the Lavra.
Rejoice, for thorough him thou didst find the will of God for thyself.
Rejoice, venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa!
Kontak 2
Gazing upon the Lord with spiritual eyes and trusting in His mercy, O blessed father, thou wast united in lawful marriage and didst diligently fulfill spiritual and bodily purity; together with thy wife thou didst grow in every virtue, thus we unceasingly sing to the Lord: Alleluia!
Ikos 2
Our minds cannot comprehend, O father Seraphim, how to worthily proclaim in words thy faith and love for the Lord; never doubting in the goodness of the Heavenly Father thou didst feed thy soul on complete trust in God, therefore we cry unto thee:
Rejoice, unshakable image of faith.
Rejoice, accomplisher of spiritual meekness.
Rejoice, thou who with fear of God didst preserve in His commandments.
Rejoice, thou who everyday wast instructed in His truth.
Rejoice, possessor of thy soul in patience.
Rejoice, seeker of the Kingdom of God above all else.
Rejoice, preserver of thy marriage in chastity and temperance.
Rejoice, bearer of the love of wisdom and a quiet disposition.
Rejoice, venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa!
Kontak 3
Being made strong by Heavenly strength, in wisdom thou didst join interior labor with work in the world, O righteous father, and by deeds of mercy performed for the sake of Christ, God's blessing shown forth in thee. Therefore cover us, who are naked of any good deeds, with thy love, that we may praise the merciful God: Alleluia!
Ikos 3
Possessing compassion, O merciful father, thou didst strengthen and comfort the afflicted, the sick, and the orphaned, through which thou didst acquire love of Christ. Hence, receive from us this song of thanksgiving:
Rejoice, quick helper of those in sorrows.
Rejoice, generous giver to those who ask of thee.
Rejoice, benefactor of churches and monasteries.
Rejoice, caring protector of the infirm and impoverished.
Rejoice, servant of thy neighbor, as if to Christ Himself.
Rejoice, for thou didst count worldly riches as nothing.
Rejoice, thou who wast free of earthly passions.
Rejoice, for by faith and good works thou wast made steadfast.
Rejoice, venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa!
Kontak 4
The storms stirred up in Russia by those who fight against God did not frighten thee, O God-bearing father, for taking upon thyself the podvig of confession, and armed with valiant courage, having wholly given thyself to Him, thou art rightly called a perfect disciple of the Lord. Thus we joyfully sing: Alleluia!
Ikos 4
Hearing of the grievous sufferings endured by those faithful to the name of Christ, thou didst cry out with the Apostle, “Who or what can separate us from the love of God?” Truly we know, O father, that all things work for the good of those who love God; therefore we, although full of many sins, entreat thee, ask for us of the Lord all that is good and profitable for our souls, for desiring this we cry to thee:
Rejoice, courageous confessor of the Orthodox Faith.
Rejoice, thou who didst yearn to suffer for Christ, even unto death.
Rejoice, for unto the glory of God thou didst give all thy possessions away.
Rejoice, beloved devoted follower of thy Beloved.
Rejoice, gold purified in the furnace of temptations.
Rejoice, tree planted by the fountain of living water.
Rejoice, transformer of afflictions and tribulations into spiritual riches.
Rejoice, thou who didst prepare thyself for monasticism through hidden podvigs.
Rejoice, venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa!
Kontak 5
The Lord revealed thee as a divinely shining star in the Lavra of St. Alexander Nevsky, O venerable father Seraphim; while abiding in the angelic rank thou didst receive the grace of the priesthood, and therewith didst strengthen many souls which dwelt in the darkness of despair, illumining them with the light of Truth, therefore we sing to the Lord: Alleluia!
Ikos 5
The brotherhood witnessed how through whole-hearted fasting thou wast made well-pleasing to God; for thou didst not labor in vain, but rather deepened in humility and the attainment of peace and joy in the Lord. Therefore we, beholding thy spiritual ascent from strength to strength, with reverence cry to thee:
Rejoice, thou who didst crucify thy passionate and fleshly desires.
Rejoice, thou who through repentance didst wash away the filth of sin.
Rejoice, thou who didst comprehend the grace filled power of humility.
Rejoice, renewer of thy soul through works of the Gospel commandments.
Rejoice, unceasing invocation of the name of sweetest Jesus.
Rejoice, taster, even on earth, of the blessed coming age.
Rejoice, offerer of the bloodless Sacrifice with fear and trembling.
Rejoice, nourisher, with words of wisdom, of everyone who came to thee.
Rejoice, venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyrista!
Kontak 6
Receiving perfect love as the crown of virtue, together with the gift of the Holy Spirit, thou didst lift up the infirmities of the infirm, O spirit-bearing father, and didst guide many souls to salvation. Thus we, the sinful ones, are healed of our many and various maladies through thine intercessions, singing with thankfulness to the Lord: Alleluia!
Ikos 6
The Truth of God shone from thy face and drove back demonic prelest, delivering the Lavra from the yoke of the false reformers of the Church, and bringing great joy to the monastic brethren. This we ask of thee, O peacemaker, quench the divisions and discords in our life and destroy all falsehood, for with oneness of soul we cry to thee:
Rejoice, temple of Christ not made by hands.
Rejoice, beautifully adorned one with the abundance of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, for thy heart encompassed the whole world.
Rejoice, incense of prayer unceasingly rising before the Lord.
Rejoice, fervent sufferer in soul for the lost.
Rejoice, ardent desire that all would come unto salvation and the reason of truth.
Rejoice, conqueror through meekness and humility of the pride and evil of godlessness.
Rejoice, harmonious teacher of the commandment of Christ, “Love thine enemy”.
Rejoice, venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa!
Kontak 7
The Lord, the Lover of mankind, revealed in thee a new spiritual light and gave thee to the monastic brotherhood as a spiritual father. Thus didst thou receive the Great Schema from God as a seal of perfection; thy soul being filled with the pure fiery flame of prayer for the whole world, thou didst instruct everyone in reverence and brotherly love, thus with trembling we cry to God: Alleluia!
Ikos 7
Through wondrous prophecy, O blessed one, the Lord showed forth the venerable Seraphim of Sarov to be thy good guide, for receiving his name in the Schema thou wast truly manifested to be a new comforter to all who call upon thee; and we, marveling at God's good favor, cry to thee:
Rejoice, fervent intercessor before God for all.
Rejoice, well-pleasing one to the Most Blessed Sovereign Lady.
Rejoice, sweet conversor with the angels.
Rejoice, ascetic co-laborer with the spirit-bearing fathers.
Rejoice, blessed protector of the Orthodox.
Rejoice, radiant light for those lost in the darkness of godlessness.
Rejoice, reconciliation of sinners to God.
Rejoice, fountain of joy and tenderness.
Rejoice, venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa.
Kontak 8
It is strange and disquieting to this vain world to hear how through prayer, O wonder-worker, the richness of God's mercy is poured out upon all who flee to thy heavenly protection. We, therefore, glorify the Holy Trinity Who gave thee this grace, joyfully crying out: Alleluia!
Ikos 8
Thou gavest thy whole self to the service of God and people, O marvelous father, commanding thy spiritual children to meditate always on heavenly things and to fervently labor in the Jesus prayer, through which every sin of the soul is cut off and the spirit of man is united to the Spirit of God. Beneath thy wondrous blessing we run and with love magnify thee:
Rejoice, dweller of the heavenly Jerusalem.
Rejoice, beholder, even in this life, of the unspeakable glory of the Savior.
Rejoice, bearer of our prayers to the feet of the Almighty and the Theotokos.
Rejoice, loving father, giver of beneficial things to those who ask.
Rejoice, faithful servant of Christ's holy Church.
Rejoice, physician of incurable spiritual infirmities.
Rejoice, foreseer of the coming wondrous age.
Rejoice, speedy deliverance from present corrupt circumstances.
Rejoice, venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa!
Kontak 9
All the heavenly powers were amazed at thy humility and patience, O holy one, seeing thee afflicted with suffering through sickness; thus wast thou providentially sent away from the Lavra by godless persecutors. The people then beheld thee in the town of Vyritsa continuously and miraculously protected by the Theotokos, singing to the Lord, the Lover of mankind: Alleluia!
Ikos 9
The multitude of human speech and eloquence falls silent before thy great podvigs, O venerable one, for, although elderly and weak of body, thou didst take upon thyself many labors. Therefore, marveling at the power of God made perfect in thee, we cry:
Rejoice, skillful follower of the desert dwellers of old.
Rejoice, constant lover of the life of fasting.
Rejoice, zealous and ardent intercessor for the poor.
Rejoice, wondrous conqueror of bodily infirmities.
Rejoice, humble concealer of thy virtues.
Rejoice, for with tears thou didst multiply the fruits of God's grace.
Rejoice, guardian of the oil of joy through watchfulness.
Rejoice, for by thy life thou wast well-pleasing unto God.
Rejoice, venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa!
Kontak 10
Thou didst beseech the Lord to save holy Rus' from foreign invaders, O marvelous lover of God, praying, “O Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on our country and Thy world.” Thus, calling upon the Lord with tenderness of heart, like unto the elder of Sarov, thou didst take upon thyself a new podvig - kneeling on a rock in intercessory prayer. Therefore, we glorify the Lord Who strengthened thee, chanting the hymn of victory: Alleluia!
Ikos 10
Thine unseen prayer was a wall of protection, O God-pleaser, to the warriors and people of Russia during the years of heavy tribulation. With the spiritual mind thou didst comprehend that these afflictions were allowed by God because of apostasy, thus thou didst call to the people who had turned away from God, “Return to Christ!” Hence, from all dangers that can be do thou deliver us who sing to thee,
Rejoice, imbiber of the cup of suffering for thy fatherland to the end.
Rejoice, intercessor for mercy from the Lord unto the Russian land.
Rejoice, gift of help to Christ-lovers serving in the arm forces.
Rejoice, living renewal of our souls and bodies.
Rejoice, willing endurance of a bloodless sacrifice.
Rejoice, for thou didst understand human weakness.
Rejoice, protector of the Russian land and the whole world by prayer.
Rejoice, powerful deliverance from enemies seen and unseen.
Rejoice, venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa!
Kontak 11
A tender song we bring to thee, O venerable father Seraphim, magnifying thine earthly life full of many labors; therefore pray unceasingly to the Lord for us, that He would grant unto us remission of sins, victory over the passions, and through being made firm in every virtue and guarding peace of soul we may be vouchsafed, unworthy though we be, to sing the song of thanksgiving, together with thee, in the Heavenly Kingdom: Alleluia!
Ikos 11
We behold thee as a shining preacher to those in the darkness of godlessness, all-blessed father; foreseeing the spiritual rebirth of Russia thou didst command thy countrymen to hold fast the Orthodox Faith, therefore with love we cry to thee:
Rejoice, thou who didst commune with the Eternal King.
Rejoice, ray of the Divine Sun.
Rejoice, radiant mercy that warms our souls.
Rejoice, instructor who awakens the spiritual mind.
Rejoice, luminous lamp, illumining many people.
Rejoice, man of prayer, through whom the snares of the enemy are destroyed.
Rejoice, guardian of purity of heart.
Rejoice, teacher of Christian perfection.
Rejoice, venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa!
Kontak 12
While praying the akathist to the Mother of God thy blessed end was revealed to thee, O Godly-wise father. The Most-Pure Lady visited thee, appearing clearly and not in a dream, and by her right hand she showed thee thine approaching departure to heaven. With what praises can we worthily magnify thee, O chosen one of the Heavenly Queen, who doth now sing with the angelic ranks: Alleluia!
Ikos 12
Singing to God Who is marvelous in His saints, we believe that the prayers of the righteous accomplish much with the All-Compassionate Master, and therefore we beseech thee, O venerable father, be unto us a fervent intercessor before the Throne of the Most-Holy Trinity, as we sing to thee:
Rejoice, namesake of the fiery seraphim.
Rejoice, receiver of spiritual eldership.
Rejoice, untiring laborer in the field of Christ.
Rejoice, diligent planter of the peace of God.
Rejoice, new and beautiful adornment of the Orthodox Church.
Rejoice, great boldness before God for much suffering Rus'.
Rejoice, mighty protector of the Christian race.
Rejoice, for we know thee to be a true intercessor for our salvation.
Rejoice, venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa!
Kontak 13
O praised and marvelous God-pleaser and wonder-worker, Seraphim of Vyritsa, receive our fervent prayers which we offer to thee with love. Entreat the All-Compassionate Lord to deliver us from all evil and misfortune, that we may pass the remaining time of this life in every virtue, and be vouchsafed by thy prayers the eternal and blessed life; thus we sing with thanksgiving to the Lord for thee: Alleluia! (Repeat 3x)
Ikos 1
Possessing angel like beauty in thy soul, O venerable father, thy heart was all aflame for the Lord of Hosts; from thy youth didst thou desire to serve Him alone, revealing true obedience to thy Creator. We marveling at the providence of God manifested in thee, cry with faith:
Rejoice, worthy youth of virtuous parents.
Rejoice, thou who from thy youth didst love the Lord with all thy soul.
Rejoice, reverent zealot of the Divine Services.
Rejoice, contemplative beholder of the world of spiritual tenderness.
Rejoice, diligent practitioner of pure prayer with all thy heart.
Rejoice, thou who didst strive with contrition of heart wholly for God.
Rejoice, thou who didst open up thy heart to a schema monk of the Lavra.
Rejoice, for thorough him thou didst find the will of God for thyself.
Rejoice, venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa!
Kontak 1
Venerable father Seraphim, chosen and well-pleasing to Christ, blessed protector and radiant beacon of the Orthodox Faith and the Russian land, the miraculous image of salvation was revealed in thee, for by thy works thou didst strive for the priceless mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven. Unto thine intercessions we run, and a song of praise we bring unto thee, crying out with love:
Rejoice O venerable wonder-worker Seraphim of Vyritsa!
A Prayer to St. Seraphim of Vyritsa
O divinely blessed and most-merciful father Seraphim! We behold thee, even after thy death, truly alive and with faith we fall down before thee crying, forget not thy paupers to the end, but look with mercy on us thy spiritual flock, and shepherd us, O good pastor, with thy prayers, which are well-pleasing to God. Ask for us of the Lord time for repentance and the correction of our sinful ways, since thou dost clearly see all our spiritual infirmities; for we have no works of faith for salvation, we have no zeal for a truly God-pleasing life, our minds are captive to death-bearing passions, and we defile our hearts with foul lusts. We carelessly disregard the very blessed things we claim to await and hope for, thereby destroying the temple of our souls. O holy father, stretch forth thy hands in prayer to the Lord and entreat the Savior to touch the human race and our stony hearts with His grace, wash us with tears of repentance, renew us in faith, strengthen us in virtue, and give unto us everything beneficial for our salvation. Let us not be put to shame for we have put our hope in thee, together with our Lord God and the Most-Pure Theotokos; be unto us a sure and quick helper, a comforter in afflictions, and a protector in the various circumstances of life. Make us worthy, O holy Seraphim, by thy prayers of the delights of the Heavenly Kingdom, where all the saints unceasingly praise and glorify the All-Immaculate and Greatly Marvelous Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
As a bright star of the Russian land thou didst shine forth from Vyritsa, O venerable father Seraphim; and guided by the grace of the Holy Spirit, thou hast illumined our country with the light of thy miracles. Thus we flee to thy relics for refuge crying out with compunction: Intercede with Christ God that our souls be saved!
Kontakion Tone 5
Imitating the God-bearing saint of Sarov, thou didst acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit in abundance, thou fragrant vessel of St. Alexander Nevsky Lavra and boast of the town of Vyritsa; therefore we cry to thee: Rejoice, venerable father Seraphim our merciful intercessor before the Lord.
We magnify thee, O venerable father Seraphim; and we venerate thy holy memory, instructor of monastics and conversor with the angels!
Translated from Russian by Fr. Zechariah & Mat. Natalia Lynch.
A brief life may be found here: